However, Google didn’t disclosed the actual number, neither described how these hacks occur. But Google tells that it knows who are mainly targeted by government backed hackers, the victims include activists, journalists and policy makers or other people who are not puppet of the government. When Google detects hacking attempt, it displays pink tab with Warning on top of Gmail advising users to protect their account. “The security of our users and their data is paramount. We’ll continue to build new protections, and work closely with the broader email ecosystem to support and improve standards such as TLS, that keep users safe” states Google Security Blog. Moreover users will also see a full page warning instructing them how to stay safe says Google in an announcement. This is what you will see in case government is trying to hack into your Gmail account :- “These warnings are rare—fewer than 0.1% of users ever receive them—but they are critically important. The users that receive these warnings are often activists, journalists, and policy-makers taking bold stands around the world.” “The security of our users and their data is paramount. We’ll continue to build new protections, and work closely with the broader email ecosystem to support and improve standards such as TLS, that keep users safe.” Major tech companies took security measures to protect their products from government based agencies/hackers. As we know that Apple was in news for long due to encryption case, in which the government agency was demanding to unlock the iPhone 5C to the shooter, many tech companies are now giving first priority the users security.