According to the sources, the personal details for more than 150,000 users of “Muslim Match” website has been leaked and posted online and the worst part is more than 700,000 private messages between members has also been leaked. The data was discovered by Security researcher Troy Hunt who broke the news of breach to Motherboard, and also posted data from the leak to his breach notification site Have I Been Pwned?. According to the news site Motherboard, details of members’ employers, location, marital status and whether they were a convert to Islam were revealed, as well as names, email addresses, Skype handles, and IP addresses have been leaked online. News site Motherboard also reported that among the 790,000 leaked private messages deals with everything from a religious discussion and small talk to marriage proposal which can impact many users relationship. Among the 790,000 leaked private message, some of them are: “I was not married or engaged before. As much as I always wanted to share my life with a Muslim wife, I was not fortunate enough to meet my soul mate before now,” “Fancy chatting to a 2ft, 65 stone geek, with big goggly eyes and a fettish for really crap comic books. Oh and Saturday nites (sic) I like to train spot at Kings Cross… nah didn’t think so :)” “I’m interested to get to know you, as I am looking for a soul mate / wife, and hope that it will be you. Please write to me and send me your photo please. I will tell you everything about myself too, and please don’t go by what is written in the profile. There are lots to tell you about. Life is too short to waste it without loving someone and be loved by someone.” The Muslim Match website is currently offline due to the Ramadan and had posted “We have been made aware of an alleged security breach and are reviewing our systems as we work to remedy the situation and tighten our security,” on the website’s homepage